DAC Electric successfully tested the large DirectDrive (high-pole) pump motor for Pumping Station Grootslag in Andijk, The Netherlands. Inspectors of the Dutch Water Authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier and Pump manufacturer Bosman Watermanagement witnessed the full-load test with heat-run on prescribed load points.
Pumping Station Grootslag is being revitalized with new electric motors to be ready for a reliable, maintenance-friendly and energy efficient future.
The large motor will replace the old diesel engine and will directly drive the centrifugal pump, eliminating the necessity of the gearbox. The other motors will replace the old HEEMAF electric motors.
The specification of these DirectDrive motors are:
1x 460 kW – 187 rpm – 23.492 Nm
2x 370 kW – 745 rpm – 4.775 Nm